If you are here, chances are your kid has been bugging you to find out more/sign them up/figure this out. Which also means our kids have been doing their job recruiting :)
So, I'll cut to the chase. Can we try it before we commit?Absolutely. I’ll give you three practices to give it a shot before you register. After that, your child will need to be registered with us for insurance purposes. Just a head’s up Gaelic Football is addictive and may lead to begging you to join. Like I said that might be why you are here to begin with.
This must be like Lacrosse that involves LIKE $1000 worth of equipment, RIGHT?Actually all you need is soccer cleats and (eventually) a mouth guard. We will supply the footballs for practice.
How much time is this going to take up on our calendar?The short answer is, summers are busy. Make of it what works for your family.
The longer answer is...The majority of our players live in or go to school in Fredonia. Once school is out, we will average two practices a week. Last summer we met one day a week on the High School grounds right after summer school let out. We worked on footskills and ball movement drills. One day a week, we met in the afternoon at Marie Krauss Soccer fields to work on our larger field game and goal/point scoring. It worked out really well and we plan to continue that this summer. Our Miltown Gaels club practice is in Milwaukee on Wednesday nights. Often times, we would load a car or two up to go join the club (and show off our skills) for a night of fun and, for some of us, socializing. Where did this all come from?That’s a longer story. Let’s have a beer and I’ll tell you all about it.
-Coach Andy Call or text me with questions. 262-483-5967 or drop me an email [email protected] |
How much is this going to cost me?Youth Registration is $25. With that comes a shirt exclusive to our members. (Booster Members get them too. Hint Hint) The fee helps cover our registration costs with our national organization, pay for insurance, pay for equipment (we bring the footballs in from Ireland) as well as the aforementioned exclusive shirt.
What age is this for?The core of our youth exist in the u12-u14 range. But from what I have seen early this spring, we will be expanding from u10-u16 range. The skills translate no matter how old you are. (Have I mentioned that we have adults that play too?) We will be sure to match your child to a similarly aged or sized opponent during any drill that involves contact.
But what about games?Honestly, we are the only youth Gaelic football club/team in the state. Our closest competition is in Chicago. Our ultimate goal for this summer is to have a u12/14 scrimmage vs Chicago (probably in Chicago). We also will have the opportunity to play at the Milwaukee Irish Fest in August (hopefully hosting Chicago for a game) Also, some of our players will be traveling to the Continental Youth Championships in Buffalo. in- New York?Yes- that's the one. We would love for you to join us.
So if there is no one to play, what is the point of practicing?Gaelic Football involves a number of skills that cross over to sports that your child may already be playing. Improved hand-eye coordination. Foot skills. Hand skills. Communication. Field spacing. Anticipation. Stamina. I joked last summer with the parents (and coaches from other sports) that they were going to be fierce come soccer and basketball season. Our soccer teams have improved. Hesitating to go for a loose ball in basketball is no longer an issue.
If you missed it, here's a link to registration |